Aarti Durga Ji Ki (दुर्गा आरती) – Hindi, English
दुर्गा जी की आरती (Aarti Durga Ji Ki) एक भक्तिपूर्ण प्रार्थना है जिसे हिंदू देवी दुर्गा की स्तुति और सम्मान के लिए किया जाता है
दुर्गा जी की आरती
ॐ जय अम्बे गौरी, मैया जय श्यामा गौरी
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Durga Ji Ki Aarti In English
Jai ambe gauri, mayya jai shyama gauri
Tumko nish-din dhyavat, hari brahma shivji, Jai ambe gauri
Maang sindoor virajat, tiko mrig-mad ko
Ujjwal se dou naina, chandra vadan niko, Jai ambe gauri
Kanak samaan kalewar, raktaambar raaje
Rakt pushp gal-mala, kanthan par saaje, Jai ambe gauri
Kehri vahan rajat, kharag khapar dhaari
Sur nar muni jan sevat, tinke dukh haari, Jai ambe gauri
Kanan kundal shobhit, naas-agre moti
Kotik chandra divakar, sum rajat jyoti, Jai ambe gauri
Shumbh ni-shumbh vidare, mahisha sur ghati
Dhumra-vilochan naina, nish-din- mad mati, Jai ambe gauri
Chandh mundh sangh-haare, shonit beej hare
Madhu kaitabh dou maare, sur bhe heen kare, Jai ambe gauri
Brahmani rudrani, tum kamla rani
Aagam nigam bakhani, tum shiv patrani,Jai ambe gauri
Chon-sath yogini gavat, nritya karat bhairon
Baajat taal mridanga, aur baajat damaroomaroo , Jai ambe gauri
Tum ho jag ki maata, tum hi ho bharta
Bhakto ki dukh harata, sukh sampati karata, Jai ambe gauri
Bhuja chaar ati shobit, var mudra dhaari
Man vaanchit phal pavat, sevat nar naari, Jai ambe gauri
Kanchan thaal virajat, agar kapoor baati
Shri maal-ketu me rajat, kotik ratan jyoti, Jai ambe gauri
Shri ambe-ji-ki aaarti, jo koi nar gaave
Kahat shivanand swami, sukh sampati pave, Jai ambe gauri

Benefits of Durga Aarti
The practice of reciting Durga Aarti is believed to have several benefits, including:
- Invoking the blessings of Goddess Durga: Reciting Durga Aarti with devotion and sincerity is believed to invoke the blessings of Goddess Durga, who is considered to be the embodiment of power, strength, and protection. It is said that reciting the Aarti with a pure heart can help one to attain success, happiness, and prosperity.
- Purifying the mind and soul: The act of reciting the Aarti is considered to be a form of meditation that can help to purify the mind and soul. The repetitive chanting of the Aarti is believed to calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of inner peace and tranquility.
- Enhancing spiritual growth: Reciting the Aarti can help one to connect with the divine and deepen their spiritual practice. It is believed that by regularly reciting the Aarti, one can cultivate a deeper sense of devotion and faith in Goddess Durga.
- Warding off negative energy: The Aarti is believed to have the power to ward off negative energy and protect the devotee from harm. It is said that reciting the Aarti can create a positive energy field around the person, which can help to repel negative influences and attract positive ones.
- Strengthening familial and social bonds: The practice of reciting the Aarti is often a group activity, and it can help to strengthen familial and social bonds. By coming together to recite the Aarti, families and communities can cultivate a sense of unity, harmony, and mutual respect.
The practice of reciting Durga Aarti has many benefits for the mind, body, and soul. It can help one to cultivate a deeper sense of devotion, faith, and inner peace, while also invoking the blessings and protection of the powerful goddess Durga.
English Translation of Durga Aarti
Jai Ambe Gauri, Maiya Jai Shyama Gauri
Victory to Mother Durga, who is also known as Shyama (dark complexioned) Gauri
Tumko Nishdin Dhyavat, Hari Bramha Shivri
We meditate on you daily, who are worshipped by the trinity of gods – Hari, Bramha, and Shiva
Om Jai Ambe Gauri
O Mother Durga, we offer you this aarti (offering of light)
Mang Sindur Virajat, Tiko Mrig Mad Ko
You are adorned with vermillion, and a mark of musk on your forehead
Ujjwal Se Do Naina, Chandravadan Niko
Your eyes are bright and beautiful, and your face is like the moon
Om Jai Ambe Gauri
Kanak Saman Kalevar, Raktambar Raje
Your body is like gold, and you are draped in a red cloth
Rakt Pushp Gal Mala, Kanthan Par Saje
You wear a garland of red flowers, and a necklace of skulls
Om Jai Ambe Gauri
Kehari Vahan Rajat, Khadag Khappar Dhari
You ride on a lion, and hold a sword and a skull in your hands
Sur Nar Munijan Sevat, Tinke Dukhahari
You are served by gods, humans, and sages, and you alleviate their sorrows
Om Jai Ambe Gauri
Kaanan Kundal Shobhit, Nasagre Moti
You wear earrings that shine like the sun, and a pearl on the tip of your nose
Kotik Chandra Divakar, Sam Rajat Jyoti
Your radiance is like that of a million moons and suns
Om Jai Ambe Gauri
Shumbh Nishumbh Bidare, Mahishasur Ghati
You destroyed the demons Shumbh, Nishumbh, and Mahishasur
Dhumr Vilochan Naina, Nishdin Madmati
Your eyes are fierce like those of a lion, and they instill fear in the hearts of your enemies
Om Jai Ambe Gauri
Bramhani, Rudrani, Tum Kamla Rani
You are the consort of Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva, and you are the queen of the lotus
Agam Nigam Bakhani, Tum Shiv Patrani
You are praised in the holy scriptures, and you are the wife of Lord Shiva
Om Jai Ambe Gauri
Chausath Yogini Gavat, Nritya Karat Bhairon
The sixty-four yoginis sing your praises, and Bhairav dances in your honor
Tumhi Jag Ki Mata, Tumhi Ho Bharata
You are the mother of the world, and you are the support of Bharat (India)
Om Jai Ambe Gauri
Tumhi Ho Vaishno Devi, Daya Karo Bhakti
You are Vaishno Devi, the embodiment of compassion and devotion
Tumhi Ho Durga Kali, Jay Durge Kali
You are Durga and Kali, victory to you, O Mother of the universe
Om Jai Ambe Gauri
Tum Hi Jag Ki Mata, Tum Hi Ho Bharata
You are the mother of the world, and you are the support of Bharat (India)
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